Our family has now grown by two feet! Corban has arrived and we thank God everyday for our precious, healthy little boy. Thank you for visiting and joining us on our adventure as we learn about parenthood and how to raise a Godly man.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two of a Kind

Well, I am back to write my second post on our blog. I know you all are very excited to read. This post is in honor of my mom. My mom is not your typical girly-type mom. She is a no frill, jean and t-shirt type of gal. She would rather be out in the yard mowing the lawn or burning a huge pile of debris and playing in the fire than going shopping with the girls. She is an independent, strong-willed, logically thinking engineer. For years and years she would always tell me that I shouldn't pick on her for how she acts or behaves because I was just like her. I tried so many years to deny it and tried to refuse the fact, but now I have come through my denial and have come to admit that yes, WE ARE JUST ALIKE. It even gets to the point that when we are around each other that my dad will leave the room. You know what though, there isn't any other person that I would want to have as a mom. She has taught me so much and has been such a great friend. Mom, I love you!!!

For your enjoyment and mine as well, here are some pics of my mom....

1 comment:

Rosa Caudle said...

What a sweet message to your mom. You and your mom are so very special to ALL the Caudles!