Our family has now grown by two feet! Corban has arrived and we thank God everyday for our precious, healthy little boy. Thank you for visiting and joining us on our adventure as we learn about parenthood and how to raise a Godly man.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

First, THANK YOU to those that serve or have served this wonderful country. Thank you for the sacrifices you make for our freedom.

What did we do today? Let's just say that Chris and I are STILL in our pajamas from this morning. We have uploaded wedding pictures (5 hours worth!), played Phase 10, taken a nap, watched the race, cooked dinner, played more Phase 10, ate sherbet/ice cream, etc. It was definitely a much needed day of rest of Chris. He has worked the past 5 weekends. Next weekend he is off. HipHipHooray!

Did anyone watch the season premier of John & Kate Plus 8? It was uncomfortable to watch. I will say that I have probably only watched 5 episodes ever. Definitely a waste of my time, but I'm not promising that I won't watch the second show. It makes me definitely appreciate the peace and quiet we have and am reminded of the fact that I can turn off the TV and not have to hear the never-ending screaming and crying. But, those kids are so darn cute!

An update on the house in the mountains: As most of you know, Chris typically stays in a garage/barn up at his parents property in the mountains when he is working. As mentioned before, there are very few luxuries up there. Well, construction on the house has begun with an estimated completion date in the middle of July! Yeah!! Chris said that the basement is complete, most of the rooms have been framed off and the shingles are up on the roof. I know he will be thrilled to be staying in a house with a full kitchen instead of a plug in stove and a inside bathroom. I'm so excited for him and excited that I will now be able to stay with him. There is just something about his current living situation that doesn't seem to be my idea of out-of-town accommodations. :) I think it might be the black bear he says is in the area.

1 comment:

The Baur Family said...

I watched the last 30 minutes or so of J&K last night. It was very uncomfortable, I feel so bad for the kids. I will definately be watching this season, I'm wondering how they are going to finish the season if they are going to be separated the whole time....