Our family has now grown by two feet! Corban has arrived and we thank God everyday for our precious, healthy little boy. Thank you for visiting and joining us on our adventure as we learn about parenthood and how to raise a Godly man.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Dancing in the Rain

Well, it wasn't exactly dancing. Actually it was cheering in the rain. Yes, we were at the Clemson game and stayed the entire time. Thankfully we were prepared with rain suites so we really didn't get wet, but what a yucky feeling! Everything on your body just feels moist. Chris' hands were so wet that at one point when he was doing the "O-N" his ring flew off and bounced down 4 or 5 rows of bleachers. Thank goodness I didn't know why he had made a mad dash down a few rows. He did find it and all was good. At first I thought he was going down to tell some punk-like teenagers to behave. Although he was just getting his ring, he did manage to address the un-chaperoned teenagers at the end of the game when one thought it was a good idea to toss a full coke bottle. Chris made sure he knew in just enough words that what he did wasn't a good idea. Yeah for Chris! So many people would have just watched and then mumbled some words under their breath, but Chris handled it very well.
I took a picture of us on my new blackberry that I will try to post. Having a new blackberry is another post for another day. Let's just say, you don't have to worry about me being one of those friends that can't put it away. I don't even get it out...I can't even use it!

We are going to MD this weekend for the football game with some friends from Greenville. Chris and I have never flown together or gone out of town with another couple. I know we will have fun and I'm just so thankful how laid-back my husband is about traveling. I don't have to worry about him ruffling any feathers or being hard-headed about doing something. At some point we have all traveled with someone like that and it takes the relaxation out of the vacation.

I am looking forward to cooler weather! You?

1 comment:

The Baur Family said...

Have fun at the Maryland game! Bring home a win for us, ok!? :)